Can we just slow down for a sec?
it takes time to learn to listen

The year is 2024 as I write this, but what if we pretended it was 20 years earlier? Web 3.0 is what all the cool kids are talking about. All this talk of blockchain and decentralization, it's all so overwhelming.
I miss the days of Web 1.0 and early 2.0 where people did stuff because they were passionate about it, not for money, the fame, or for the clicks. A world wide web where everything felt new, one that wasn't as connected and as vast as it is today, but in a sense felt even more expansive than it is now. A time where it was truly the wild west on the internet, where you had to dig for whatever niche you wanted to explore.
This website exists in a bubble. I wanted a place to just post whatever is on my mind without having to deal with whatever C.E.O. deciding to run their platform into the ground. A place where I can be free to express my thoughts and share some niche interest that I find myself obsessing over that day.
I want to take things slow. Life moves incredibly fast now with information bombarding from every angle. While I'm thankful for how much has changed in the past couple of decades, I miss the disconnect of being completely unreachable sometimes. I can't overstate how grateful I am to have a small little magic box in my pocket that's able to connect me with my best friends who are all across the world in fractions of a second, but I do yearn for the time when information was scarce. A time when you didn't have access to the collective sum of all human knowledge just sitting in your hand. A time when you weren't concerned with what strangers on the internet thought about the photo that you just posted.
I want to embrace the ephemeral nature of the days of old. The fleeting moments of child-like whimsy are few and far between and this is an attempt to recapture that.